This module allows app owners to lock pages or group of pages based on different user roles.
You create a Role for each one by creating a Folder and Assigning pages you want them to see.
Now you have to assign each user a Role in Padlock Pro Backend Admin view. that’s it.
When user logs into the app using Padlock pro menu he will be automatically redirected to Folder/Role assigned to them.
Please make sure you deactivate the Folders/Roles menus from backend so that guest users can’t see them.
- Protect / Lock single / multiple menus / features
- Assign a Single page or Multiple pages to a User
- Enterprise level access for each departments etc.
- If you flag a user [ can can access the pages locked by the “Locker” ] he becomes front end super admin who will have access to everything and other users will still have limited access based on their roles set by Padlock pro feature.
Padlock Pro – Lock your feature based on each User/Roles